Sydneyside — Photo Journal 2017, Weeks 6–8

Kathy Drasky
4 min readFeb 25, 2017


I love how Hipstamatic can take an “ordinary” shot from Bondi Beach’s Icebergs Club terrace and make it look like something you’ve never seen before. The combo used for this effect was: John S lens, Robusta film and Berry Pop flash. Photo by Kathy Drasky.

What do you call someone from Sydney, Australia? Insert a joke here if you have a good one, but the proper term for a person hailing from this fab city Down Under is “Sydneysider”. That would be my wife and a lot of our family and friends who we just spent 10 days visiting. It flew by, but with rain and jetlag on either end here in San Francisco, Weeks 6–8 get to be a celebration of my brief Sydney summer.

Summer in Sydney. Coogee Beach at 38 degrees C (that’s 100 degrees F). Photo by Kathy Drasky.

Now if you are from Melbourne (or, Australia’s “other city”) as most of the world thinks of it, you’ll have a different opinion of Sydney. In fact, the Urban Dictionary defines a “Sydneysider”, in short, as:

A person who lives in Sydney, Australia and really hates Melbourne. Their hobbies include sooking about how Sydney is better than Melbourne…. They are also upset that Melbourne is the sporting, fashion and cultural capital of Australia. Sydney is although home to Australia’s drug capital, King’s Cross.

Weekend nights in Kings Cross during the summer used to be a raging scene of 18- to 25-year-olds, mostly coming to this center-of-the city strip of clubs from outer suburbs to party hard. But recent troubles led to “lockout” laws and the scene is much calmer now than in 2013, when I did this photo essay. Photo by Kathy Drasky.

Well, good to know. Especially since my wife and I like to stay in an AirBnb in Kings Cross! (no apostrophe, btw, Urban Dictionary).

It makes for great photo-taking, that’s for sure. And the “gray area” between what is now Potts Point and Elizabeth Bay and any other number of the more than 600 suburbs that make up the whole of Sydney becomes blurrier each time we visit.

In fact, during our 10 days, the name of a popular Kings Cross pub changed from the Sugar Mill to the Potts Point Hotel.

In less than 10 days, the signage on this Kings Cross pub changed from the Sugar Mill to Potts Point Hotel. This is the equivalent of renaming any red light district “Beverly Hills”. Photo by Kathy Drasky.

For a much more detailed history of Sydney’s diverse suburb situation (and way better photos), check out Louise Hawson’s excellent documentary photo blog and book, “52 Suburbs”.

I was “on holiday”, as the Aussies say, and while I scheduled time to do two photo walks, both were rained out! One by a torrential downpour that went on for about 24 hours, and the other by massive thunder and lightening. Such is summer in this city. The weather can literally change while walking from one beach to another.

You can walk along the coast starting at iconic Bondi Beach… Photo by Kathy Drasky.
…to Coogee. Photo by Kathy Drasky.

Hard times, I know!

With the trip changing like the weather from working holiday to just straight up time off, I did my best to stop focusing on a long-term photo documentary project of the rapidly changing “Cross”. I know I will be back again soon — but what will the neighborhood be like then?

Kings Cross, summer 2017. Photos by Kathy Drasky.

I find my photo walks need to be solitary events. When I’m out with someone, I guess I feel a little rude breaking away to start shooting. Sometimes I only intend to take one quick photo. That can quickly escalate into either a full-blown street shoot when the subjects are so willing as they typically are in the early part of the night in a neighborhood like Kings Cross — or become slightly agitating when you know you need to be present with present company and let photo opportunities slip by.

Wednesday night drag show at the Midnight Shift. Photos by Kathy Drasky.

I guess one way around this is to go with your friends to a drag show. Everyone takes photos. Everyone wins!

Drag show contestants at Sydney’s Midnight Shift. Photo by Kathy Drasky.

To see my complete 2017 Flickr photo journal (so far), click here.

Or, read back issues of the photo journal here: Week 1, Weeks 2–3, Weeks 4–5.



Kathy Drasky
Kathy Drasky

Written by Kathy Drasky

Kathy Drasky is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and photographer. She lives in San Francisco.

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