On the road trip — Photo journal 2017, week 23
I made my first road trip at the ripe old age of two-and-a-half, when my parents took me for a drive from Connecticut to Maine more than a half a century ago. Many years later, when I was approaching that half century mark, I realized that while I hadn’t been to many countries, I had been to a lot of states. A reasonable goal then might be to see if I could get to all 50. So far, I’ve been to 48.
Since 2011 (that fateful half century year), I started keeping track of my road trips on a Tumblr blog called On the Road (Trip).
Having just finished a road trip from San Francisco to Death Valley and the Eastern Sierras, I spent this past Friday night getting it documented. Like all Tumblr projects, this is of course meant to be turned into a book, and then, a major motion picture. So, Hollywood, if you’re listening….
At least half of the photo taking journey is spent developing or editing, uploading and categorizing, tagging and essentially trying to keep track. I’d say the road trip blog has been a very effective way for me to document some travel photos. Some day, I hope to be able to go back through years of photos of road trips that I took before I started On the Road (Trip) and write them up. Then we’ll have a 10-part Netflix series!
Until then, I’ve got a few roadside attractions to share. Enjoy!
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